Fall Equinox
The seasons are changing! This is a great opportunity to explore the concept of the equinox with your curious little learner in an easy and engaging way. The fall equinox is the end of summer and the start of fall in the Northern Hemisphere, or northern half of the world. After the fall equinox, the days get shorter and shorter and nights get longer and longer. An equinox happens when the sun is exactly above Earth’s equator. There are two equinoxes every year – the fall equinox (in September) and the spring equinox (in March). These are the days when day and night last about the same amount of time, and they mark the end of one season and the start of another. The word “equinox” comes from the Latin words “aequus,” which means equal, and “nox,” which means night. Why do you think these two Latin words are combined to make the word equinox?