April is Mathematics Awareness Month to help people appreciate math and statistics more. It was started in 1986 as Mathematics Awareness Week from a proclamation by President Ronald Reagan. He initially started it to remind people of how important math is to many different careers and fields, from business to medicine to space travel! This “holiday” has been celebrated at the national, state, and local levels with public schools and universities hosting different activities and exhibits. How will you celebrate Math Month?
Celebrate Math Month by completing these daily math investigations!
- My House in Numbers: Grab a clipboard and start counting different categories in your house - how many windows? Doors? Rooms? Shoes? Books? Chairs? What surprises you? Are there more windows or doors?
- Cars, Trucks, and More: Decide on two categories to count on a walk or on your way to the store, like red cars and blue cars or trucks and motorcycles. Have a parent or friend count one category while you count the other. When you finish your walk or get to the store, make some comparisons - which category had more? How many more? How many were there altogether?
- Shape Scavenger Hunt: Go on a walk to “hunt” for shapes. Can you find something that is a circle, square, triangle, rectangle? Which shapes are easiest to find? Do you know the name of every shape you see?