What's the difference between a yam and a sweet potato?
A common dish at Thanksgiving is some kind of sweet potato or yam casserole. They are very similar looking vegetables – both are orange on the inside, both are the shape of a lumpy potato. But are they the same? They are not, and there are some easy differences to look for. Start by looking at the outside. Yams have dark brown skin that is rough like tree bark, and sweet potatoes have reddish skin that is smooth. Yams can develop eyes or buds, just like a regular potato. Sweet potatoes do not develop eyes, but they may grow little roots on the outside of their skin, just like carrots. The inside of a yam is starchy like a regular potato and sweet potatoes are soft when cooked. Next time you are shopping or cooking for Thanksgiving, see if you can spot the differences and identify whether you are having sweet potatoes or yams!