What is quicksand?
Quicksand is a natural non-Newtonian fluid made out of sand and water. The properties that make oobleck so much fun to play with are what make quicksand dangerous! Quicksand is not very common, but it does form near riverbeds or seashores, when water quickly floods into sand. If you walk slowly over quicksand, just like oobleck, it will act like a liquid and can suck you into it. People or animals might move quickly if they get sucked into quicksand, which applies pressure to the quicksand, making it turn more solid and become tricky to escape. What would happen if you tried to swim out of it very slowly? The quicksand won’t solidify as much and make it easier to escape! If you knew you were approaching quicksand and ran over it, what would happen? Applying pressure through your running feet would make the quicksand act like a solid, which would keep you from slipping in.